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Statue of Bengali reformer Vidyasagar damaged in Kolkata violence


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In the backdrop of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections clashes broke out in Kolakata, West Bengal on Tuesday 14th May, 2019. The situation is still tense.

During the incident, a statue of the great Bengali reformer Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was unfortunately damaged.

Important Details

  • A BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party) election rally* led by Amit Shah (member of BJP) was moving past Vidyasagar College in Kolakata.
  • Some students near Vidyasagar College shouted slogans against the BJP.
  • In an unfortunate choice of response, it is alleged (said without proof of being true) that BJP workers started the violence and clashed against the students.
  • BJP claims the people who attacked the students were not from their party.

West Bengal’s ruling party at the state level, the TMC (All India Trinamool Congress party) also joined in the clashes. Both parties (TMC & BJP) have blamed each other for starting the violence and for destroying the statue of Shri Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.

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