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US election results: Joe Biden starts process of officially taking over


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Let’s read the latest updates on the US Election results.

We read that Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden was declared the winner of the US presidential elections in November 2020.

However, despite the declaration, current President Donald Trump has been unwilling to accept defeat. Trump and his team have filed a number of cases for a recount of votes with various courts. However, the cases filed against the US election results have not yielded any results in his favour.

President-elect Biden has received 306 Electoral College votes in his win.

States have now started to certify (confirm) the results. States like Michigan, Florida, Georgia have certified their results,

After weeks of no action, Trump has also finally agreed to let Joe Biden’s team start the process of formally taking over the presidency. However, he will continue to file cases against the US election results.

Biden’s incoming presidency will require more than 7000 new officials as many important positions have to be filled.

Some important officials for the new administration have been announced. They include Anthony Blinken who will be Secretary of State (similar to the External Affairs Minister in India).

Biden’s cabinet will have the first woman to oversee the Treasury Department – Janet Yallen. It will also have Avril Haines, the first woman to lead the intelligence department.

It is believed that half of his cabinet will be made up of people of colour and there are more women than men.

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