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image depicting World's biggest drone will send satellites into space on a rocket

World’s biggest drone will send satellites into space on a rocket


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

World’s biggest drone will send satellites into space on a rocket

What is a drone? In technology, a drone is an unmanned aircraft (without a pilot). It is controlled from somewhere else by remote control or other similar technology. Drones are more formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

US technology company Aevum recently showed its latest creation –  the world’s biggest drone.

This drone is called Ravn X. It is 80 feet long, has a wingspan of 60 feet, and stands 18 feet tall. It’s not the largest UAV by size but mass. Aevum will use RavnX to launch rockets to put satellites into space.

Satellites are usually launched by rockets which liftoff from the ground. But that is often expensive and takes more time.

Instead, the world’s biggest drone can fly to a specified altitude (height), and from there, it would launch a rocket which will put satellites into space. This launch system is 70% reusable, whereas many other rocket-launching systems are not.


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