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Image depicting News update: Weekend curfews in Delhi, Rajasthan, Top news of the day - 3 February 2021

Top news of the day – 3 February 2021


Recommended for Middle Grades

Top news of the day – 3 February 2021

COVID-19 update

India has reported about 10.8 million cases till now, out of which 10.5 million have recovered.

A new study says that about one in four people in India may have been infected with the virus. This means India’s actual cases may have crossed 300 million.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine may reduce the spread of coronavirus, as per a new study. This vaccine is called Covishield in India.

Farmer protests

The protests continue to go strong at the Delhi-Haryana and Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border. Security has been increased in the areas with barbed fences. The protests have gotten worldwide attention after singer Rihanna and climate activist Greta Thunberg tweeted in support of the farmers.

Lok Sabha session continues to be hit by anti-farm laws protests. Student bodies of opposition parties also tried to stage a protest in Delhi but the police did not allow them.

Top news of the day

25-year-old Ayesha Aziz is India’s youngest female pilot

Ayesha is from Kashmir. In 2011, she became the youngest student pilot to get a license at the age of 15. She underwent training to fly a MIG-29 jet in Russia in 2012. She then graduated in aviation from the Bombay Flying Club (BFC) and obtained a license to fly passenger planes in 2017.

Wildfire threatens thousands of homes in Perth, Australia

A wildfire in Perth has destroyed more than 22,240 acres of land and 71 homes. Thousands of people have been moved to safety as strong winds could make the fire stronger. The city is also under a five-day lockdown until Friday due to COVID-19

Top news of the day


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