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Online class vs In class education

The pandemic has changed our lives in every aspect including our teaching and education system. From in-class education to online education, it is an issue of concern for teachers as well as students. We are in a situation in which we are switching to a digital whiteboard from chalk and duster or making a pdf of our work instead of writing it.

Adapting to a virtual classroom was a task for all and technical difficulties and network snags have not yet stopped. A classroom creates an environment in which children acquire skills to interact and visualize things using their five senses whereas on an e-learning platform they cannot.

Some people say travelling time is saved but the time spent travelling makes us aware of our surroundings and teaches us new things. Sitting in front of the screen does no good to our eyes or body whereas going to school makes us physically active.

Online exams are fair if they are taken in an organized way which requires the use of high-end technology that is not accessible to all. Many students are taking advantage of the online lectures by just joining the class but not attending it while some students are stuck with network issues and are not able to join the class.

After the pandemic is over, as we move back to normal life we should also move back to the old and traditional way of teaching so that young minds and talents can be nurtured even better.

Both the methods have their pros and cons but the system that has been carried on through years helps young minds learn better in a more sufficient way.

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Suhani Khemka


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