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My Expressions

Santa is Sick! What happens to Christmas?

On a normal Monday just a week before Christmas, all of a sudden the media, news and newspaper were filled with only one thing which was that Santa has got into depression because now children don’t believe in him, so he also fell sick.

Now because of Coronavirus, the whole factory is in quarantine. At that time some businessman just held a meeting immediately. I was seeking in the meeting room. They all said, “If Christmas is cancelled we will be at a loss and many children will be disappointed and we will not be able to donate to orphans and the poor.”

At that time I got an idea to team up with my friends and family to organize as much money so we could donate to the poor and also gift gifts and cakes. Immediately I went to my friends and my three best friends teamed up. We went to every neighborhood and we all ended up with only Rs. 10,000, we decided to get this initiative in social media and make posters. After many posts, we again went to the neighborhood and we got Rs. 12,00,000. We told my mother and many bakeries to bake small cakes.

On Christmas Eve we donated gifts, cakes and money to the orphanage, on the roads, people were sick so we also gave them blankets, we also gave money to an elderly home.

On Christmas, I felt really good making Christmas bright again and just not be on what do people buy and how rich they are. Some dwarfs came and handed me a piece of paper. The paper said, “You did a very good thing for society, you are a really good person.” I felt very really honored, ecstatic and tranquil.

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