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Image depicting international epilepsy day

International Epilepsy Day – the second Monday of February


Recommended for Middle Grades

International Epilepsy Day is observed on the second Monday of February every year. This year that day falls on 14 February.

International Epilepsy Day is a special event that promotes awareness of epilepsy in more than 130 countries each year. This day aims to help people to join together to discuss the problems faced by people with epilepsy, their families and carers.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a disorder where abnormal activity in the brain causes a patient to get ‘seizures’ or ‘fits’. It can affect people of any age.

Epilepsy awareness on International Epilepsy Day

Epilepsy can be due to brain-related injuries or genetic causes. Some symptoms (signs) of epilepsy include sudden twitching, loss of consciousness, tingling sensation in arms and legs, etc.

There are medicines available to treat epilepsy. Unfortunately, many people do not get treatment, especially in poor countries. There is also a lot of shame associated with the disease which prevents people from getting treatment.

So, celebrating International Epilepsy Day is important to encourage people to talk about the problems they face.

India also celebrates National Epilepsy Day on 17 November every year.

Watch a video on epilepsy below. Video credit: Epilepsy Foundation/Youtube


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