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Image depicting What's in a word - Spring!

What’s in a word – Spring!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The spring season has arrived, and the temperature has begun to rise. Also, the flowers have begun to open their petals. Did you know that the season of spring used to be referred to as “lent,” or the “lenten season”?

Fun facts about ‘Spring’!

  • This word came from the Old English lengten, which means “to make longer or greater in length”. This is because, after winter, the days (when the Sun is out) get longer as we get into spring and summer.
  • It changed around the 1300s. This was because spring is the “springing time” – when plants and flowers start growing again. ‘Spring’ also means means “to rise, leap, move”.
  • The word ‘spring’ came from the Old English springan and Old Norse springa as well.
  • As the Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun in the spring, the hemisphere that is closer to the sun gets more daylight.


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