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Image depicting fish door bell, as in, Netherlands gets the world's first 'fish doorbell'

Netherlands gets the world’s first ‘fish doorbell’


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The city of Utrecht in the Netherlands recently got the world’s first-ever fish ‘doorbell’. It is officially known as the visdeurbel.

What is Utrecht city famous for?

Utrecht in Netherlands is known for its ancient buildings and beautiful canals that are all over the city.

Every spring, fishes swim through the canals the city has. Unfortunately, they get stuck at the Weerdsluis lock. This lock was built hundreds of years ago. It maintains the water level in the canals and rarely opens in the spring months. That’s why the fish ‘doorbell’ was installed – to help the fishes go through.

How does the fish doorbell work?

There is a camera that films the fishes as they try to get through the lock gate. People can watch them via a live stream. They can press a digital doorbell to alert the lock operator. The lock operator checks the camera and opens the gate if a lot of fish have gathered there.

Since the fish doorbell was installed, it has already been rung over 32 thousand times.



Watch a video of this doorbell below. Video credit: Gemeente Utrecht/Youtube


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