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Image depicting a penguin in Antarctica

Penguin in Antarctica joins a group of tourists: Watch a video


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A penguin in Antarctica joined a few tourists. Let’s find out more about it.

But first, imagine that you are on a boat ride, sightseeing in Antarctica. Suddenly, a penguin jumps on board and decides to “hang out” next to you. What would you feel?

This happened recently to a group of tourists who were going on a tour through Antarctica’s Ross Sea. As they were admiring the landscape, a baby chinstrap penguin jumped into the boat. It stayed on the boat for about 10 minutes and then left.

The tour guide said he was very shocked as this had never happened on a tour before. He felt that the penguin could have been lonely as there were no other penguins around in the area.

The penguin could also have been trying to escape from danger, like this other penguin.

Chinstrap penguins are the most common penguins in Antarctica. They have a small black line under their jaws, making them look as if they are wearing a helmet with a strap.

Watch the video of this “lonely penguin”:

There are so many animals in the world. Some live on land, some on trees, some in water and some fly up in the sky. Some are fun and playful and some quite dangerous too. Sometimes they work in teams but some prefer to be alone. But if we look carefully there is so much we can learn from them too! Can you think of some of the qualities that you love about animals? Read our animal news for kids for more interesting animal stories.

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