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Norse Legends Part 2

Thor’s Lost Hammer
Thanks to Loki’s shenanigans, Thor now had a weapon incomparable to any other. Mjolnir. With the mighty hammer in Thor’s hands and Asgard secure behind the great wall, no giant (nemeses of the gods) would dare challenge their power. However, one day, Thor woke up and found that the hammer was missing. In its place, there was a note from the Jotun king Thrym. It said that if Thor wanted Mjolnir back, he would have to come to Thrym’s palace and acquire it in exchange for a certain ransom. Thor knew that he couldn’t negotiate with the giant king, as he was skilled with weapons, not words. So he sent the god who was the most proficient with words, Loki, to go to Thrym’s palace in his stead. When Loki reached his destination, Thrym welcomed him with open arms. But Thrym’s eyesight was very weak. So weak that he mistook the scrawny Loki for Thor, the biggest and most muscular of the gods.

After hearing Thrym’s demands, Loki came back to Asgard and relayed them to the gods. Thrym had offered a deal. He wanted Freyja, the goddess of beauty and love, as his bride. And he said it was the only way he would return the hammer. The gods of Asgard refused the offer, saying that Freyja was too dear and valuable to give away. Loki, using his ever-mischievous mind, came up with an idea. He told Thor to dress up in a wedding gown and pretend to be Freyja. Thor, enraged by Loki’s outrageous proposal, picked him up with one hand and threatened to kill him. But Loki – who was used to Thor’s threats by this point – continued explaining his plan. He revealed the fact of Thrym’s extremely poor eyesight to everyone else. The gods were not entirely convinced – as the differences between the beautiful Freyja and the huge Thor were enormous – but they agreed that it was the best chance they had. Thor, forced by the other gods, had to agree. So, Thor dressed as Freyja, Loki dressed as a maid and went to Thrym’s palace together. Not doubting anything due to his poor sight, he welcomes both of the gods with open arms. But Thor wasn’t able to conceal his humongous appetite. He started voraciously devouring all food items that Thrym’s lackeys gave him, and Loki had to tell Thrym that “Freyja” was so excited to meet Thrym that she hadn’t eaten for a whole week. At this, Thor glanced at Loki, eyes bloodshot with anger. After this, when the wedding was wrapping up, Thrym brought the hammer in front of the bride. Thor immediately grabbed Mjolnir, killed all of Thrym’s lackeys, and crushed Thrym’s head like an egg. Then both the gods went back to Asgard. And from that day, the gods always laughed at the time Thor dressed up as a bride.

Loki’s Children
The silver-tongued God of Mischief had many lovers and, therefore, many offspring. We had already discussed in a previous article how the eight-legged horse Sleipnir was born. But the most well-known children of Loki have to be the ones we are about to discuss here.

One of Loki’s aforementioned lovers was the giantess Angboda. She bore him three children: A wolf cub, a snake, and a girl. Odin had a vision that told him that there would be a war that would destroy the world, and Loki’s children will have a significant role in that war. So the Allfather forced Loki to reveal the location of his children. The gods decided that if the children were brought up in Asgard, they would be friends with the gods rather than their enemies.

When they saw Loki’s daughter, Hel, however, they were too frightened to come close. That’s because one side of Hel’s body looked like a rotting dead body, while the other was normal. Odin noticed that Hel preferred the company of the dead more than the living, so he designated Hel as the Queen of Helheim (the land of the dead).

The gods also observed that the snake was getting bigger in size day by day. What was once the size of a standard serpent was now as big as a python. Growing continuously, the snake reached a point where it was impossible to transport it. So Odin made the decision of throwing the snake into the ocean. After being thrown into the sea, the snake continued until it was so big that he could wrap his tail around all of Midgard. The snake’s size acquired him the name Jormungandr (The World Serpent).

And as for the wolf, Fenrir, this article is too long already, so I cannot include him in this post as his story is very long. We will talk about him in detail some other day. Although, I would like to conclude by saying this: these three children of Loki would prove Odin’s vision right. Their participation would be huge in the events of Ragnarok (the Norse apocalypse that Odin foresaw).

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Shivansh Singh

8, DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, Delhi

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