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Image depicting blue moon, as in, The full moon of August is a "seasonal blue moon"

The full moon of August is a “seasonal blue moon”


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We read about a blue moon last year. It happened on 31 October, on Halloween.

This month, on 22 August, we will also get to see a “seasonal blue moon”. However, this is slightly different from the blue moon on Halloween last year.

How is it different?

Last Halloween’s blue moon meant two full moons in one month. But in this August’s case, the meaning is different. When there are four full moons in a single season, the third is called a seasonal blue moon. And the August full moon is the third this summer season.

This meaning is actually much older than the other one. According to NASA, such events happen once every 2.5 to three years.

The sturgeon moon

Moreover, the August full moon is also called the sturgeon moon. This is because people caught sturgeon fish during this time in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain of the US.

What are sturgeon?

Sturgeon are a group of large fish that have been nicknamed living fossils. This is because they have remained almost unchanged for more than 100 million years. Their eggs are made into the the luxury food, caviar.

However, the term ‘blue moon’ does not have anything to do with the colour of the Moon.


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