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Image depicting Watch a video: Farmer honours aunt with heart-shaped sheep

Watch a video: Farmer honours aunt with heart-shaped sheep


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Heart-shaped sheep

Everyone has a hard time saying goodbye to people they love. More so, during this pandemic, many people could not even say a proper goodbye to people they loved, who died of COVID-19.

A farmer in Australia named Benjamin Jackson lost his aunt, Deb, recently to illness. But sadly, he couldn’t travel to her funeral on time because Australia is under lockdown.

So, he decided that he would honour his aunt in his own very special way. Well, what did he do? Benjamin has many sheep on his farm. So he used them to create the figure of a giant heart on the field –  heart-shaped sheep. He shared the video on Facebook, saying that he has created it for her. The video also features a song, Bridge Over Troubled Water by the musicians, Simon and Garfunkel. He says this was one of his aunt’s favourite songs.

How did he make the video?

Benjamin created an outline of the heart and lined it with grains. Then, he got the sheep to flock together and created the shape. He captured it all on video using a drone. He says he had to try three or four times before he could do it.

Watch the video below of the heart-shaped sheep coming together. Isn’t it just lovely?


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