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Image depicting Swimmer found surrounded by dolphins after being at sea for 12 hours

Swimmer found surrounded by dolphins after being at sea for 12 hours


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Dolphins to the rescue

A 24-year-old man from Ireland named Ruairi McSorley was recently rescued after being stuck at sea for over 12 hours. The amazing part is, rescuers found him after they spotted a pod (group) of dolphins surrounding him.

Ruairi had gone swimming in the icy waters of Tralee Bay, Ireland. However, it seems it did not go well.

After he went swimming and did not return, a coastguard spotted his clothes on the beach and alerted officials. They used lifeboats and helicopters to search for him for many hours. Then, they finally found him after spotting the dolphins surrounding him. The rescuers said that the dolphins were likely trying to protect or help him.

He was found conscious but was very cold because he wasn’t wearing enough clothes. Rescuers quickly took him to the hospital and thankfully, he is doing fine now. They said that if they had not found him at that time, it could have been too late.

Officials have urged swimmers to maintain all precautions in order to avoid being stuck at sea.

An internet sensation

A few years ago, in 2015, Ruairi had actually gone viral on the internet as “Frostbit Boy” after he appeared in a news interview. And spoke about the weather in a thick, funny Irish accent.


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