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National Public School - Agara

My experience at National Public School, Agara

National Public School - Agara

Teaching has always been my passion. It is because teaching does not become easier with experience and technology, it is a new challenge day in and day out. The innovative minds sitting in front of us throw a new boulevard to explore every day. When a teacher steps into a school premises she looks forward to meeting vibrant and enthusiastic faces who are eager to acquire the knowledge imparted to them. As these were my notions when I took up teaching as a profession, I can confidently say that I am at the right place today. National Public school, Agara has provided me a myriad of opportunities to grow as a teacher. I was able to discover some of my inborn talents only after joining NPS, Agara. The support and motivation given to all the staff by the higher authorities inspire us to thrive and use our potential to the fullest. I am thankful to the school management for having given me this opportunity to work under the supervision of such beautiful hearts who know the caliber of each and every person working under them. Their words not only inspire us but also motivate us to make use of our utmost potential. If you believe in the words of Aristotle ‘PLEASURE IN THE JOB PUTS PERFECTION IN THE WORK’ NPS, Agara is the right place to step in.

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