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Image depicting 100-year-old grandma breaks Guinness World Record for powerlifting

100-year-old grandma breaks Guinness World Record for powerlifting


Recommended for Foundational Grades

People often say “Age is just a number” and this 100-year-old grandma certainly proves it.

Edith Murway-Traina just turned 100 years old on 8 August 2021. But don’t let her age fool you – she has recently earned the Guinness World Records title for the oldest competitive powerlifter (female).

What is powerlifting?

Powerlifting is a strength sport where you lift weights which are as heavy as possible, in a single plane of motion,

Moreover, Edith is not just a 100-year-old grandma, she is actually a great-great-grandma! But her strength and passion have helped her achieve this amazing record.

Edith’s life story

She used to be a dance instructor and performer, so she was always in fitness. But she took up weightlifting only nine years ago when she was 91.

Once she got started, Edith found out that she was very good at it and soon, she was competing in events and winning awards. And she hasn’t looked back. Today, she can lift weights between 18 to 68 kg!

This 100-year-old grandma says that she is happy to be a positive role model.

Watch her in the video below. Video credit: Guinness World Records/Youtube


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