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Image depicting Watch a video: Powerful tornado flips truck

Watch a video: Powerful tornado flips truck


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Powerful tornado

Nature is truly powerful and sometimes, we all get a little reminder.

A man named Karl Beyer recently shared a scary video on Youtube. It shows a powerful tornado flipping a truck over to its side in Pennsylvania, US, earlier this month.

What is a tornado?

A tornado is a violent storm with a very strong wind that blows in a circle. It is also called a twister.

He was in the car when the incident happened. It happened when a huge EF-2 tornado hit the area on 1 September. During this storm, windspeed reached over 200 km per hour. An EF2 tornado is very strong – it can uproot trees and even lift vehicles off the ground.

Karl was able to record the video from a camera he had in his car. In the video, you can also see the powerful tornado swaying trees wildly outside. Thankfully, he was not seriously injured, thanks to his seat belt. 

Why did Karl share this video?

He has shared this video to warn others to take tornado warnings seriously. Moreover, it is important to take all weather warnings seriously as we do not know what might happen at any time.

Video credit: Karl Beyer/Youtube


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Comments: 1
  1. StrawberryJam2012 says:

    ooh scary what happened to Karl after that!

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