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image depicting Watch a video: Bison crowd the road at US national park

Watch a video: Bison crowd the road at US national park


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Bison on the road!

The Yellowstone National Park is a very famous national park in the US. It was established in 1872 and is widely considered to be the first national park in the world. It is known for its wildlife and the American bison is among the many animals that live there.

What is a bison?

It is a animal that is similar and distantly-related to the buffalo.

Yellowstone National Park is home to the largest public herd (group) of American bison in the US. Every year, when winter approaches, these bison travel from a higher colder place to a lower, warmer place. This event is amazing to see as hundreds of them travel together. And they travel on roads that humans use.

The video

Recently, two park visitors were lucky enough to catch the event on video. In the video, you can see more than 150 bison on the road, surrounding their car. It was a very exciting but also a little scary event for the visitors.

What would you do if this happened to you too? Watch the video below. Video credit: Broyles Outdoors/Youtube



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