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Image depicting Sketch Drawing of Major Somnath Sharma

Sketch Drawing of Major Somnath Sharma

Image depicting Sketch Drawing of Major Somnath Sharma

Sketching a soldier: Major Somnath Sharma

Rachana, your sketch drawing of Major Somnath Sharma is truly remarkable! This powerful portrait captures the essence of a true hero, a brave soldier who sacrificed his life for our nation. Your attention to detail in depicting his uniform and the Param Vir Chakra medal is commendable. The sketch not only showcases your artistic talent but also pays tribute to a significant figure in Indian history.

Let’s Create: Sketch Drawing

  1. Gather Your Tools: Grab a pencil, eraser, and drawing paper.
  2. Reference Image: Find a photo of Major Somnath Sharma to use as a reference.
  3. Basic Shapes: Start by sketching the basic shapes of his head, body, and uniform.
  4. Refine Details: Gradually add details like his facial features, the folds in his uniform, and the Param Vir Chakra medal.
  5. Shading and Texture: Use your pencil to add shading and texture to give your drawing depth and dimension.
  6. Finishing Touches: Erase any unnecessary lines and make any final adjustments to your drawing.

Additional Tips:

  • Observe Carefully: Pay close attention to the details in your reference photo.
  • Practice: The more you practice, the better your drawing skills will become.
  • Be Patient: Sketching takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if your drawing doesn’t look perfect right away.
  • Express Yourself: Let your creativity shine through in your artwork. Share your artwork at Curious Times.

Thank you for sharing your inspiring artwork, Rachana! Your sketch drawing is a wonderful tribute to Major Somnath Sharma and his unwavering courage.

We hope this motivates young artists to learn more about Indian history and the brave soldiers who have served our nation.

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