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Image depicting Living in a 3D Printed home

Imagine living in a 3D Printed home


Recommended for Middle Grades

Dream come true

Imagine living in a 3D printed home! Well, is that even real? One might wonder! Of course, remember kids anything is possible and if you keep your eyes and hearts open your dreams do become reality! This is exactly what happened to “April Stringfield” in a quiet little town of Virginia in the United States. She would’ve never imagined getting a better New Year present for her 13-year old son and herself.


A company called “Habitat” which builds really cool homes and not only that, does their bit in giving back to the community as well. They build the entire skeleton of April’s house in 12 hours!! You heard that right, 12 hours. Not only that, her house is spread over 1200 square feet (that’s really big!) and has concrete flooring. Now, the floor is going to retain temperature better than wood and guess what! That’s going to save April’s money on heating and cooling costs. Now she can save for her son’s education and get him to the best college to fulfil his dreams.

One thing that is way cooler than even Jimin from BTS, her house is going to be way more resistant to tornadoes and hurricanes. At least we can’t say that about Jimin’s house can we?

3D Home Sweet Home

A home that makes you feel like you are in your grandmother’s arms! What more could one ask for? The “concrete” that Habitat used to construct April’s home is pretty much the same her grandmother’s house had, so a homecoming feels really special to April. Habitat has also made sure April’s house is stacked with the coolest solar panels and latest and greatest tech so that she and her son enjoy the comforts without having to worry too much about bills!

At Curious Times we love Habitat and also adore our grandmothers, we hope that you do too!

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