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Image depicting Dolo-650 - No one can eat just one!

Dolo-650 – No one can eat just one!


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Dolo-650 and COVID

As we enter the third year of the COVID-Pandemic, Dolo-650 seems to be creating a lot of buzz on social media. The pandemic has been exhausting for everyone. So, even a sign of a slight fever or sore throat might tempt one to head to the nearby chemist and check for a tablet to suppress the fever symptoms. The fear on everyone’s mind is “We hope we are not infected by COVID”.

All fun and games but exercise “caution”

Enter Dolo-650, if you check out social media platforms, from catchlines such as “Dola Re” to “memeifying” the tablet is popularising this over-the-counter drug. One must be extra cautious when it comes to popping pills just like that.
Firstly, even if you have body ache or feel feverish, that doesn’t apply that you suffer from COVID.
Secondly, there is no cure for fear and there is no magic pill that will fix things for you. At Curious Times we believe a healthy diet, following simple rules of discipline such as waking up and sleeping on time, goes a long way in building one immunity against diseases.
Reports on the internet might tempt one to believe in the magic of Dolo-650. From sales numbers to ease of availability to stories (forwarded a million times) on Whatsapp family/friends groups. It works! That’s what everyone wants us to believe.
There are over 37 brands of paracetamol being sold in various regions in the country. Dolo 650 has seen the highest sale during the pandemic, in comparison to all other drugs to control fever. The company has sold more than 350 crore pills since the Covid outbreak in March 2020 

What’s tipping in Dolo-650s favour

It’s always a good idea to get back to basics anytime one gets confused or is being tempted to believe in something. Essentially Dolo-650 is for fever and pain relief. The tablet contains ‘Paracetamol’ which prevents the release of a natural chemical causing a sensation of pain, inflammation, and fever. The medicine could also reduce body temperature in cases of fever.

So, what led to this? Doctors feel that people have been responding well to Dolo 650 and fever starts subsiding fast. It is not only an antipyretic medicine but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. One does not need to worry about nephrotoxicity or having any kind of major interaction like with many other drugs. 

Considering that the safety profile of Dolo is good and it is not very costly either, doctors are prescribing Dolo 650. This has led to an increase in Dolo Sales

So what’s happening on social media? From catchlines such as “Dola Re” to “memeifying” the tablet, people are having some fun around the growth of medicine and leaving its competition behind. 

Word of caution

Also, it’s a sensible idea to take guidance from experts as opposed to Instagram Reels or Whatsapp shorts or Facebook news. At Curious Times we believe in the power of humour but when it comes to one’s health, it’s always a good idea to take steps with caution. Consult family doctors and never indulge in self-medication.

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