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Image depicting ISS structure

ISS structure weighing 500 tonnes to drop on India


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Russia space chief says 500 tonne structure of ISS to drop on India.

All of us know about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Amidst this, the head of the Russian Space Agency has posted a tweet indicating about an ISS dropping on India and China.

ISS dropping on India

The head of the Russian Space Agency, Dimitry Rogozin posted a tweet in response to the statement of the United States. Initially, the tweet said that it is just a chance that the ISS structure weighing 500 tonnes will be dropped on India and China.

US and Russia’s ISS programme

Russia and the United States are major partners in the ISS programme. It also includes Canada, Japan, Spain, France and Italy.

Amidst the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the USA has decided to block assets of Russian banks and impose export controls on the country. The decision was taken after Vladimir Putin sent military troops to Ukraine.

Following the decision by Joe Biden, the head of Roscomos, Dmitry Rogozin tweeted that the orbit of the International Space Station is controlled by Russian engines. The chief also said that if the US doesn’t cooperate, there’s a chance that the ISS can get out of its orbit and fall on the USA or India.

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