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Ukraine war: People seek help through Tiktok videos


Recommended for Middle Grades


Ukraine war: People seek help through Tiktok

The tiktoker spreads viral videos about the Russia Ukraine war

Marta Vasyuta is a 20-year-old Ukrainian student. When Russia invaded Ukraine, Marta was in the UK where she was there with her friends.

She witnessed the Russian bombs falling on Kyiv. She posted videos about the Russia Ukraine conflict and to her surprise, she became an influencer overnight.

Marta’s objective of posting videos

Marta’s only objective to post the videos is that this conflict is not only Ukraine’s problem but for everyone. She heard about the invasion and began to search the news about the invasion.

Marta started to post videos on TikTok. She believes that by posting the Ukraine videos, she is helping the world by providing security to the people.

A young girl sings a song in the refuge shelter

A video has gone viral on the internet. In the video, a young girl named Amelia is singing the song  Let it go. The other families in the camp supported Amelia wholeheartedly. Frozen star Idina Menzel supported the young girl and retweeted the video.

You can watch Amelia’s adorable video posted by Ankita Jain.

Let us know your thoughts about the videos in the comments below.

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