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Image depicting pigs

Pigs communicate using different grunts


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Pigs are very intelligent animals and they express their emotions as well. Scientists have figured out the language with which they communicate.

Research study on pigs

Scientists have studied recordings of more than 7,000 grunts to understand the meaning. Grunts are the sounds that pigs make. The researchers have tried to match sounds with emotions, for example, being happy, sad, scared or stressed.

It is hoped that this method could be converted into an app for the farmers which can help them to understand their emotions.

Study of pig sounds

The researchers recorded the sounds of pigs in various situations. These situations include the moments when they are reunited with family. fights between youngsters and to play with toys.

Scientists used the sounds and checked on the behaviour of the pigs. The team also designed an algorithm to decode the actions of the pigs.

Short grunts signify happiness and some sounds signify that they are scared or upset. According to scientists, pigs’ sounds differentiate when they are in positive or negative situations.

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