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Image depicting Bionic eyes open new possibilities for vision!

Bionic eyes open new possibilities for vision!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Bionic eyes have the potential to provide a solution to one of the most serious medical issues facing society today. For example, people who can’t see or are partially sighted because of an injury, illness, or birth could be offered a solution. 

Bionic eyes – A Way Forward!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are nearly 40 million people who are blind and another 135 million who have low vision in the world. Bionic eye technology could be the way forward.

Bionic eyes offer the technology to fill in the gaps when part of the vision process is missing or has been broken. For example, when diseases damage parts of the retina leading to eye-related issues. 

The Technology behind Bionic eyes!

In 2009 experts in the UK gave the world’s first test of a bionic eye to people with retinal issues. They implanted the devices into ten people who had lost their sight. Thereafter, patients were able to see shapes and patterns, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the device for use in 2013.

The Pursuit of perfection!

Bionic eyes have kept getting better, and in 2021, researchers made an even better computer model of the human retina. The technology got better gives people better colour vision.

Researchers have now run successful tests of the “Phoenix99 bionic eye” in sheep to see how the body heals when it has been implanted. People who did the research said there were no surprises, and they think it could stay in place for a long time. Now that the work is done, people can start taking part in tests.

Tech can be a little bulky, so now the race is on to find a new way to power bionic eyes.

Scientists have also come up with a way to control the nerve cell devices in the bionic eyes with very little power, and they call it a “significant breakthrough.”

Vision destroying illnesses – Bionic eyes could fill in the gaps!

There are a lot of things that can cause your vision to get worse as you get older. Also, things that you may have been born with. Bionic eyes work by “filling in the gaps” between what the retina sees and how it is processed in the brain. When there are problems with the retina, issues arise. Bionic eyes could help a lot with these kinds of things.

Wouldn’t it be great to see technology offer solutions to people with eye-related ailments? What do you think? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section.

Check out this heart-warming Youtube video of “A patient’s first impressions with bionic eyes”, shared by “Mayo Clinic”.


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