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Image depicting Coffee Caye island

Coffee Caye island is world’s newest micronation


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Have you ever thought of buying a private island? Seems impossible, right?

As they say, ‘possible’ is hidden in ‘impossible’, a group of investors have started a project called Let’s Buy An Island. Through this project, 96 investors have turned this dream into a reality.

Coffee Caye island

Coffee Caye is the first crowdfunded island in the world. It is located at the coast of Belize on the Caribbean Sea. This beautiful island is surrounded by coral reefs. You can travel to this island by boat from Belize City.

You’re amazed, right? So are we. You can walk throughout the 1.2-acre island in just 5 minutes. You must be wondering why is the island purchased? Let’s find it out.

Purpose of buying the island

The project Let’s Buy an island began in 2018. The investors’ idea of buying the Coffee Caye island to make a mini country, Islandia. They imagined the new island to have its own national flag, anthem and government. It is known as the world’s newest micronation.

The first tour group landed on the Coffee Caye island in February 2022. This group included 13 tourists and owners. Currently, they have 249 citizens in this Islandia and they are hoping to get 5,000 citizens in this micronation in the near future.

Isn’t this interesting? Let us know what do you think about this newest micronation in the comments below.

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