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Word of the Day

  • Anguish  

    Noun | Ang-gwish

    a feeling of great physical or emotional pain

  • Inflate  

    Verb | in-flAYt

    to fill something with air or gas so that it becomes the right shape and size for using

  • Wrath  

    Noun | rOth

    very great anger

  • Replenish  

    Verb | ri-plE-nish

    to make something full again, or to bring it back to its previous level by replacing what has been used

  • Bestow  

    Verb | bi-stOH

    to give valuable property or an important right or honour to someone

  • Anticipate  

    Verb | an-tIs-i-payt

    to think that something will probably happen

  • Ease  

    Noun | EEz

    the ability to do something easily

  • Menial  

    Adjective | mEE-niuhl

    work that is considered boring, makes you feel tired and is given a low social value