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Word of the Day

  • Era  

    Noun | IUH-ruh

    a period of time that has a particular quality or character

  • Delicate  

    Adjective | dE-li-kit

    easily be damaged or broken

  • Woe  

    Noun | wOH

    a strong feeling of sadness

  • Vast  

    Adjective | vAHst

    extremely large

  • Din  

    Noun | dIn

    a very loud unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time

  • Frontier  

    Noun | frUHn-tiuh

    a border between two countries, especially one with official points where people or vehicles cross

  • Nephew  

    Noun | nE-fyoo

    a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister

  • Temporary  

    Adjective | tEm-puh-ruh-ree

    existing, done, or used for only a limited period of time