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Word of the Day

  • Eloquent  

    Adjective | el-uh-kwuhnt
    having refined or expressive communication skills (in speaking or writing)

  • Egregious  

    Adjective | ih-gree-juhs
    extraordinary in some bad way

  • Eccentric  

    Adjective | ik-sen-trik
    peculiar or odd; deviating from the norm

  • Dubious  

    Adjective | doo-bee-uhs
    doubtful, questionable

  • Dreary  

    Adjective | dreer-ee
    sad, gloomy, dull

  • Dominion  

    Noun | duh-min-yuhn
    power and authority (usually over a territory)

  • Doctrine  

    Noun | dok-trin
    a principle, theory, or position, usually advocated by a religion or government

  • Dispatch  

    Verb | dih-spach
    to send off a message or messenger

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