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Word of the Day

  • Disparage  

    Verb | dih-spar-ij
    to belittle or speak down to

  • Dismay  

    Verb | dis-mey
    a strong feeling of disappointment and sadness

  • Disdain  

    Noun | dis-deyn
    a lack of respect and strong dislike (toward something or someone)

  • Discord  

    Noun | dis-kawrd

  • Dire  

    Adjective | dahyuhr
    hopeless and dangerous or fearful

  • Diminish  

    Verb | dih-min-ish
    to become smaller in scope or degree

  • Diligence  

    Noun | dil-i-juhns
    conscientiousness; the quality of being committed to a task

  • Dilemma  

    Noun | dih-lem-uh
    a problem, usually requiring a choice between two options

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