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Word of the Day

  • Devise  

    Verb | dih-vahyz
    to come up with (a plan)

  • Desolate  

    Adjective | des-uh-lit
    bare, barren, empty

  • Deplete  

    Verb | dih-pleet
    to (over)use over time (usually resources)

  • Demur  

    Verb | dih-mur
    to object to

  • Demonstrate  

    Verb | dem-uhn-streyt
    to do as an example

  • Deficient  

    Adjective | dih-fish-uhnt
    not enough in degree or amount

  • Deference  

    Noun | def-er-uhns
    respect; regard

  • Brevity  

    Noun | brev-i-tee
    the quality of being brief or terse

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