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Word of the Day

  • imbroglio  

    Noun | im-brohl-yoh
    a complex, messed up situation

  • gambol  

    Verb | gam-buhl
    playful frolicking

  • fuscous  

    Adjective | fuhs-kuhs
    being of a sombre or dark colour

  • furtive  

    Adjective | fur-tiv
    sneaky, trying to avoid getting caught

  • elision  

    Noun | ih-lizh-uhn
    the omission of a vowel, consonant, or syllable in pronunciation

  • desultory  

    Adjective | desultory
    occurring without a plan or structured order

  • desuetude  

    Noun | des-wi-tood
    no longer being used

  • brood  

    Verb | brood
    deep thoughts about something negative

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