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Word of the Day

  • Antagonize  

    Verb | an-tag-uh-nahyz

    to make someone dislike you or feel opposed to you

  • Component  

    Noun | kuhm-poh-nuhnt

    a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger

  • Authentic  

    Adjective | aw-then-tik

    If something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is

  • Prominent  

    Adjective | prom-uh-nuhnt

    very well known and important

  • Bewilder  

    Verb | bih-wil-der

    to confuse someone

  • Belligerent  

    Adjective | buh-lij-er-uhnt

    wishing to fight or argue

  • Mandatory  

    Adjective | man-duh-tawr-ee

    Something that is mandatory must be done, or is demanded by law

  • Dawdle  

    Verb | dawd-l

    to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary

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