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Word of the Day

  • Herald  

    Noun | her-uhld

    a sign that something will happen, change, etc.

  • Brusque  

    Adjective | bruhsk

    quick and rude in manner or speech

  • Savvy  

    Noun | sav-ee

    practical knowledge and ability

  • Copious  

    Adjective | koh-pee-uhs

    in large amounts, or more than enough

  • Desolate  

    Adjective | des-uh-lit

    A desolate place is empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant in it

  • Exhilarate  

    Verb | ig-zil-uh-reyt

    to give someone strong feelings of happiness and excitement

  • Sprightly  

    Adjective | sprahyt-lee

    energetic and in good health

  • Succumb  

    Verb | suh-kuhm

    to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat

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