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Word of the Day

  • Impartial  

    Adjective | im-pahr-shuhl

    not supporting one person or group more than another

  • Demeanour  

    Noun | dih-mee-ner

    the way a person behaves, dresses, speaks, looks, etc. that shows what their character is like

  • Irrelevant  

    Adjective | ih-rel-uh-vuhnt

    not connected with something or important to it

  • Admonish  

    Verb | ad-mon-ish

    to tell somebody firmly that you do not approve of something that he/she has done

  • Naïve  

    Adjective | nah-eev

    without enough experience of life and too ready to believe or trust other people

  • Rudimentary  

    Adjective | roo-duh-men-tuh-ree

    very basic or simple

  • Derogatory  

    Adjective | dih-rog-uh-tawr-ee

    expressing a lack of respect for, or a low opinion of something.

  • Opposition  

    Noun | op-uh-zish-uhn

    the feeling of disagreeing with something and the action of trying to change it

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