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Word of the Day

  • Obsolete  

    Adjective | ob-suh-leet
    no longer used; rare or uncommon

  • Objectivity  

    Noun | ob-jik-tiv-i-tee
    judgment based on observations instead of emotions or opinions

  • Null  

    Adjective | nuhl
    without value, effect, consequence, or significance.

  • Nuance  

    Noun | noo-ahns
    a subtle difference in meaning

  • Novel  

    Adjective | nov-uhl
    new, innovative

  • Momentous  

    Adjective | moh-men-tuhs
    historically significant

  • Modify  

    Verb | mod-uh-fahy
    to change, alter, or tweak; to change somewhat the form or qualities of

  • Modest  

    Adjective | mod-ist
    simple and humble

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