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Word of the Day

  • Elixir  

    Noun | ih-lik-ser

    a particular type of medicinal solution

  • Euphoria  

    Noun | yoo-fawr-ee-uh

    a state of intense happiness and self-confidence

  • Innards  

    Noun | in-erdz

    the internal parts of the body

  • Ingrate  

    Noun | in-greyt

    an ungrateful person.

  • Legacy  

    Noun | leg-uh-see

    anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor

  • Surreal  

    Adjective | suh-ree-uh l

    having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic

  • Ingredient  

    Noun | in-gree-dee-uhnt

    something that enters as an element into a mixture

  • Fettle  

    Noun | fet-l

    state; condition

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