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Word of the Day

  • Concur  

    Verb | kuh n-kur

    to accord in opinion; agree

  • Treason  

    Noun | tree-zuh n

    the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

  • Competent  

    Adjective | kom-pi-tuhnt

    having suitable or sufficient skill, knowledge, experience, etc., for some purpose; properly qualified.

  • Sovereign  

    Noun | sov-rin

    a person who has supreme power or authority.

  • Rudimentary  

    Adjective | roo-duh-men-tuh-ree

    involving or limited to basic principles.

  • Indifferent  

    Adjective | in-dif-er-uhnt

    having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested

  • Formidable  

    Adjective | fawr-mi-duh-buhl

    inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable

  • Devious  

    Adjective | dee-vee-uhs

    Devious people or plans and methods are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful

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