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Word of the Day

  • Eavesdrop  

    Verb | EEvz-drop

    to listen to other people’s conversation without them knowing that you are listening

  • Replenish  

    Verb | ri-plE-nish

    to make something full again, or to bring it back to its previous level by replacing what has been used

  • Terse  

    Adjective | tUHRs

    using few words, sometimes in a way that seems rude or unfriendly

  • Deft  

    Adjective | dEft

    neatly skilful and quick in one’s movements

  • Stamina  

    Noun | sta-muh-nuh

    the ability to work hard or to make a lot of effort over a long period of time without getting tired

  • Monotonous  

    Adjective | muh-nOt-uh-nuhs

    not changing and therefore boring

  • Defiance  

    Noun | di-fIE-uhns

    refusal to obey a person or rule

  • Scurry  

    Verb | skUHR-ee

    to move fast with small quick steps

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