Book review of ‘Out of My Mind’ By Sharon M. Draper
This book by Sharon M. Draper is definitely a book one should not miss out on.
It is about a young girl named Melody who, when born, could do nothing at all. At the age of nine, she realised that if she wants to be an achiever, then she must work harder than rest of her peers. So, she worked upon her weaknesses and defied all odds (her disabilities) that were preventing her from learning different things. Once she did that, there was no stop to what she thought she could achieve.
My favourite part of the book was when Melody, despite the disease (Cerebral Palsy) she was born with, she qualified all the exams for the Trivia Quiz Competition. Reading such a book inspires me to go for the targets that seem unachievable and work hard towards achieving them. I recommend this book to everyone, especially to those who want to become something in life and have the grit to challenge the norms that surround them.
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