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#BreaktheBias - Nayana S M

#BreaktheBias – Nayana S M

#BreaktheBias - Nayana S M

#BreaktheBias – Nayana S M

Happy International Women’s Day!!!!! My name is Nayana S M, Software testing engineer, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a daughter-in-law and a mother of twin daughters. “BreakTheBias”, wonderful theme of year 2022 which inspires by itself.

The bias is not in particular in gender. The bias is there in every step of our life. The word bias itself has both positive and negative vibes in it. It is so powerful to inspire someone who is in deep depression and it’s as powerful as to create a problem in a relationships.

As the name states breaking a stereotype is always a tough job especially in a country like India. There were many women revolutions held in years, for right to education, right to work, right to equality, right to equal payments, right to property etc., Women empowerment evolved in last two decades where women excelled in all the fields as like men. The excellence and the women proved themselves has created a revolutionary change in the world leading to empowerment. This as almost broke the stereotypes all over the world.

My Story – Nayana S M
Coming to my story, born in a middle-class family with two sisters. Supportive parents who encouraged education. Being an introvert, it was tough for me come to a Bengaluru city alone in search of a job just after my Engineering. It was when I faced a lot of challenge at family to break the bias to go alone to search job. The word we here in all times is “You are not a boy/man to go to strange place and live alone.
I had to break this stereotype and move on. It was my sisters who supported me a lot. They were able to break the bias only because they were independent enough to support. It is when the crowd listens to you only when you are financially independent.
This led me to have a career all by myself and proud to call myself as a working independent woman.

My idea of “BreakTheBias”
Though we as a woman have empowered and excelled in almost all fields, though we have work at the same pace as men with the same time, women are bound to be back on time to carry the household chores, take care of kids, family, balance cooking, grocery, work, kids study etc.,

So I just want to break this prototype, conventionalize, standardize, categorized qualities of women. Just want to come back home from work, stretch my legs having coffee and have me time. 

So looking forward to break this bias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#BreaktheBias – Nayana S M

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Kindergarten, National Public School Agara, Bengaluru, Karnataka

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