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#BreaktheBias - Shuchita Malhotra

#BreaktheBias – Shuchita Malhotra

#BreaktheBias - Shuchita Malhotra

#BreaktheBias – Shuchita Malhotra

Whether we realize it or not unconscious biases influence our professional lives, from the way we think to the way we interact with our colleagues. Unconscious biases are mental shortcuts that aid decision-making.
Having said this, these biases can lead to unfair judgments, doing more harm than good for any institute or organization.

It’s especially important to be aware of these biases since they can impact the success of entire entity. Taking the steps to reduce biases will help improve inclusivity, trust, and productivity within the institute.
Bias can be of any kind ranging from gender and ageism to name and lookism. It’s important to get rid of unconscious bias to grow personally and professionally in your career.

I am one of those lucky professionals who never faced an unconscious bias in my career and grew based on my qualifications, experience, and capabilities.
I was also fortunate that I came across very good mentors in my life, from whom I learnt the acumen to face challenging tasks and achieve positive outcomes, which fueled my growth within my organization. One such mentor with whom I have worked is our Principal Ms. Mona Mehdi. Ms. Mona brings a mix of professional and personal feel in whatever she does, and this quality is something which I appreciate most in her. She is learned, intelligent, diligent and at the same time very approachable.

One of the main reasons for great success of JGI, Kondapur is that the staff of institute has never faced an unconscious bias from the school management and every staff member including teachers are given equivalent opportunity to grow within the organization based on their qualifications, education and capability.

By- Ms Shuchita Malhotra
JHCS Kondapur

#BreaktheBias – Shuchita Malhotra

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