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Image Depicting Children's Day Message - Roja Paul K, Niraj International School, Hyderabad

Children’s Day talk with Roja Paul K, Niraj International School, Hyderabad

Thoughts on Children’s Day – Roja Paul K, Niraj International School, Hyderabad

Each child is special. Their uniqueness lies, as much as in their skills and talents, as in their questions, imaginations and sense of wonder. Some children may be good in sports, some in arts, some in science or some in business. Some are orators, others dreamers, some loud and expressive, some shy and conservative. But each child has something special to offer to this world. so, we strongly believe that ‘Every Child is Special’.

The UN celebrates World Children’s Day on 20 November while in India, Children’s Day is celebrated on 14 November. This date is the birth anniversary of India’s First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru who believed that children are the real strength and foundation of a nation. We at Curious Times too believe that the holistic development of children is the first step in building a better world and we strive every day to do just that. We are also in constant engagement with the education community – students, teachers and educators. It is our cherished goal to make a meaningful contribution to the community by working and interacting with leaders in the field.

And so, this Children’s Day, Curious Times is delighted to bring you a special message from an eminent educator, Roja Paul K. She is the Principal of Niraj International School, Hyderabad.

In your inspiring journey as an educator what different types of experiences have you had with children that make you believe every child is special? All of us are unique in thought, deed and perspective. In my experience of more than 2 decades, this aspect of uniqueness has been the factor that has compelled me to be in this field for such a long period. The difference I notice is the way each of the students has responded/ reacted to the surroundings and it fills me with awe towards God’s wonderful creations. Their response to corrections and the love and care I have received from the students has been very dynamic and good for thought.

At times it happens that children end up teaching something valuable to adults. Please share any such experience that you have had. I have had many such experiences. Children are devoid of malice. So, many a time I have learned to see my own hypocrisy, prejudices and remove them after seeing them through the eyes of children.

What steps should be taken collectively by Schools, Parents, Teachers and the Government to ensure that the special talent and uniqueness in every child is encouraged rather than measuring each child on the same traditional metric? An Elephant and a fish can’t be assessed in the same way. so, skills vary! Implementing skills in academics and assessing every student for the skills they possess irrespective of subject divisions will bring about a sea change

On the occasion of Children’s Day, share your message with your and your children on the Curious Times platform. Children are our heritage. Help us help you become “The Heritage”

Do catch her complete interview and thoughts on Children’s Day in a chat with Curious Times Director, Deepti Beri on our YouTube Channel Curious Times

Children’s Day Talk With Roja Paul K, Niraj International School, Hyderabad
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