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My Expressions

Curious Times in conversation with Ms Prabhjyot Issar

I am a post graduate with MA (CCE), and have attained other degrees of B.Ed. ECE,DIET. I am very passionate about my profession.

Dancing, mingling with students keeping them grossed in various activities, providing them exposure to print rich environment , story telling , look out for new ideas to deliver the concept in playful manner.

What inspired you to become an educator?

My School Principal, Dr. M P Chaya inspired me to become a teacher.

What do you love the most about being a teacher?

I get the opportunity to spend my time with students and help them shape their future.

The one change you would like to bring in the current education system.

I would like to change the 'pressure' that is put on the students by their teachers and parents.

Your message to your 21st-Century-students.

My message to all the students is that they should engage themselves in physical workout and they must lessen their screen time.

A special story, memory or message that you want to share.

I consider myself as the most fortunate soul to be privileged and honoured to have Dr. M P Chaya as my mentor. I learnt various things from him that pushed me to attain tremendous success in my life and career. Dr. Chaya is a renowned educationist and a man of principle. He is simple, honest, kind hearted and compassionate towards his students. He taught me, nurtured me and showered his immense blessings on me. He helped me choose teaching as my career. Dr Chaya was kind towards students and extended his guidance individually towards them. He never showed any discrimination between students which was hallmark of his art of teaching. He was the man of creativity. He motivated students and showed them the path of humility and developed good moral habits amongst his students. He was a good listener and was patient in clearing the doubts of his students. He was a good communicator, he taught self-discipline to his students and advised that the doctrine of self-help is the best help. I have no words to sketch his characteristics. Whatever I am today, it is all due to his effective and efficient teachings. On this Teacher's Day, I pay my tribute to his teachings and mentorship and I will remain highly indebted to him.

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Ms Prabhjyot Issar

Kindergarten, Delhi Public School, Sonepat, Sonepat, Haryana

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