Ed Leader – Chanchala Yelamanchi, Sri Sri Academy, Hyderabad
Ed Leader – Chanchala Yelamanchi, Sri Sri Academy, Hyderabad
Education is an integral part of a child’s upbringing. We, at Curious Times, have made it our aim to ensure that we also play an active role in imparting the right knowledge to all the Curious children. As such, we also try to ensure that we are always in touch with the leaders in education today and learning from them. After all, it is important to learn from the best.
So, today, we present to you a one-on-one conversation with Chanchala Yelamanchi. She is the Principal of Sri Sri Academy, Hyderabad. Sri Sri Academy aims to promote value-based education in a stress-free and student-friendly environment.
Also watch the one-on-one conversation of Chanchala Yelamanchi with Deepti Beri, Director at Curious Times at the end of this article.
When did you decide to step into the world of education? What motivated you to become an Educator? It actually started when my kids started going to school. I realised that instead of constantly complaining about the system, I wanted to be a part of the system. I wanted to understand it completely, bring in the crucial changes and serve the community of students.
Share some of the challenges you have faced in your career journey. How did you convert those challenges into the pillars of success? I would say, there were quite a few challenges. One of the challenges I faced as a leader was when I was looking into the planning and discussion around the curriculum together with the teachers. I felt I was not doing justice to all the subjects, in a manner similar to what I was doing for my own area of expertise. So, in order to overcome this, I started involving myself in-depth with the content development teams and this helped me in understanding all subjects, the gaps and requirements for remedial and acceleration courses. This way, the issues of equity were better dealt with.
What are the changes have you observed over the years in the field of education? Are you happy with these changes? There have been many changes in the field of education, especially with our venture into online education and NEP. Of course, I’m really happy with the changes. But there’s still a need to look into all the aspects of teaching philosophies. I have always believed in the philosophy, “Broaden the vision, deepen the roots”.
What changes would you like to see in the field of Education? What role can the various stakeholders like the government, teachers, students and parents play in this? There are quite a few changes that are required in the field of education, especially where education becomes important, not just in terms of marks or grades, but for creating citizens with values.
Share your message with the aspiring teachers and leaders of tomorrow. Dear aspiring teachers, now that you have decided to be a teacher, please strive to ignite young minds to become lifelong learners. Accept every child who has come to you and don’t just teach them for marks but for creating global citizens with the right attitude.
Share your message for your and Curious Times students. Never give up because there’s always a solution. Trust your skills and remember to accept incidences of defeat as stepping stones to success. Have gratitude for everything you have and also, love for everything around you.
Chanchala Yelamanchi, Principal
Sri Sri Academy, Hyderabad
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