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snow white

Hidden Beauty

snow white

Hidden Beauty is an imaginative story. The author of this story has built it over the German fairy tale – Snow White, that is today known widely across the globe. It gives a new perspective on how we need to shake up the way we are conditioned to think. 

Being a princess, Snow White was repeatedly told the significance of external beauty throughout her life. As a result of the childhood manipulation, she evolved to be an alluring woman and was considered the most charming girl in the entire town. However, contributing her entire time on physical appearance, did have a negative impact on her persona. She turned out to be a stone hearted lady who abused and body shamed every ugly person her eyes could target at.
Well, these were the attributes she had inherited from her mother, a lady for whom outward looks were the first and last impression of a person. Snow White’s father tried a lot to change her mother’s thinking perspective and also make sure his innocent daughter wasn’t influenced to opt for the same path as her mother did. However, he couldn’t.

One bright sunny morning, the princess and queen took off in the carriage to see the town. On their way, they saw an old lady with a wrinkled and gloomy skin, drowsy eyes, cracked lips, hunched back, tapered and fragile body, frizzy and grey hair, trembling footsteps given support by half-broken stick and worn-out clothes. They were taken aback seeing her atrocious appearance and burst out into a wicked yet maniacal laughter. They mocked her, abused her and kicked off her stick but she remained quiet, unresponsive with a gentle smile on her lips. Satisfied by the unhumanitarian way in which they had brought about their displeased thoughts, they drove off to the palace.
Months passed by and Snow White was wandering in the interiors of the palace and trying to discover an unfamiliar wing at the very far end of the palace. She came across an unknown closed door. Out of curiosity she opened it and found a sparkling mirror bordered with golden intricate work seated proudly in the center of the brightly lit room. She walked up to it and saw her reflection in the mirror. Pleased by how beautiful she was she wondered why such a pretty looking mirror was kept in the last wing of the palace and not in her royal suite. As she went to pick it up, a soft melodious voice came out of it. Snow White was thunderstruck. The voice said that the mirror was a veracious one and showed who was the most heavenly person on Earth.

Convinced that the most heavenly person was none other than her. She asked the mirror to reveal the most heavenly person. Multicolored lights swirled as the image of the old lady who had been mocked by the queen and princess found its way into the mirror. Snow White anticipated that the mirror had mistaken so she went about and asked the same question again and again. Angry at the fact that the mirror showcased the same picture every time, she thought that the mirror was malfunctioning. So, she took the stone lying on the floor and struck it hard on the mirror. The magical mirror broke and the splinters covered the room shone like diamonds.
Heard could again be the same old melodious voice. But this time the message was different it said that the mirror never lies only its perspective is different from people like you. A person is beautiful only if he/she has a good heart and a persona according to which everybody is beautiful in their own way. The old lady’s traits were like that of an angel. Although Snow White and her mother had mocked her, she did not let unhappiness and disrespect reflect on her face. Thus, she was the most heavenly lady alive on Earth.

That day Snow White learnt that one should not judge a book by its cover and life was never the same ever after…

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Yashvi Jalan

9, Sushila Birla Girls' School, Kolkata, West Bengal

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