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Image depicting Is it fair to keep the animals in a zoo?

Is it fair to keep the animals in a zoo?

Image depicting Is it fair to keep the animals in a zoo?


I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in captivity but left freely in the forests. Animals should be on their own in the forest to live in a natural habitat.
They must live a stress-free life.

It is always better for animals to live in the forest because they get enough space to move around and not remain stuck in one small area for their whole life. Animals should live a happy and healthy life with their family and friends.

Unlike a zoo, in a forest, animals don’t get disturbed by visitors. If wild animals are kept in zoos they will not be animals anymore. They will be tamed by humans and their behaviour will change. This can also make them extinct.

If there will be fewer animals in the forest then the forest won’t be a forest too. The animal chain will break and become unbalanced.

We must always be kind to animals and never disturb their life cycle by keeping them in zoos.

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Atharva Agarwal

1, La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata , West Bengal

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