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My Expressions

My Dream vacation

It is really very charming to enjoy the scene of a sun set in a cloudless sky in Bangladesh. It marks the end of the day . The sun goes down and sheds its mild rays from the western sky. It looks like a dish of gold. We find a brilliant show of colours in the western sky. Seven colours make the western sky look charming. The whole Earth and the sky seem to be painted with colours. The golden rays of the setting Sun fall on the water of ponds, rivers, on top of trees. The western horizon appears exquisitely beautiful. The sky is then covered with the red glow of the setting Sun and all the objects of nature put on a charming appearance. The ripples of the rivers look purple in the red glow of the departing Sun. Gradually the Sun sinks down below the horizon and the red tinge of the sky begins to fade away. Darkness then covers the whole Earth. The cowboys return home with their cattle. Birds are seen flying back to their nests. Nothing but a few stars are seen in the western sky. A sunset scene in really enjoyable.

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