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Image depicting Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash the fastest human calculator in the world

Fastest human calculator in the world is a 20-year-old Indian boy


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20-year-old Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash from Hyderabad is the fastest human calculator in the world.

He won the first-ever gold for India at the Mental Calculation World Championship. It was held as part of the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) on 15 August.

The MSO is a prestigious international competition for games of mental skill and mind sports. It is like the Olympic games for mental skills. Also, it is held in London every year and features over 60 events.

This year, the Mental Calculation World Championship was held online via video conference. It had 30 participants who were up to 57 years of age. The participants were from 13 countries.

Who is Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash?

Bhanu Prakash is a student of Mathematics (Honours) at St Stephen College, Delhi University.

He holds 4 world records and 50 India records for being the fastest human calculator in the world.

He says his aim is to create “VISION Math” labs. This project will reach out to millions of children in India and encourage them to love maths.

Many students, especially in rural areas (villages, etc) have a fear of maths that discourages them from studying in school. But Bhanu wants to work to help these children.

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