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Image depicting Oxford Word of the Year 2022!

Oxford Word of the Year 2022!


Recommended for English

The first-ever public poll to choose the 2022 Oxford Word of the Year has given its results.

The winning word is “goblin mode”. It means “unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy behaviour.”

With more than three million votes, the term won by a huge number. It was chosen by 93% of the votes. Thousands of people were able to drag themselves out of goblin mode in order to vote.

So, what exactly does it imply when someone is in goblin mode?

Key facts!

  • According to the scholars at Oxford, it is a term that is frequently used in statements such as “I am in goblin mode” or “to go goblin mode.
  • It is a form of behaviour that is unabashedly self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or selfish.
  •  Generally in a way that opposes social standards or expectations.
  • The expression first showed up on the internet in 2009.
  •  It skyrocketed to popularity earlier in 2022 thanks to a fake headline incident involving the actress and model Julia Fox.
  • As well as a popular post on Reddit describing someone who has been behaving in a goblin-like manner.
  • People came to the realisation that they did not want to go back to the way life was before the Covid limits were lifted.
  • Thus these events contributed to the continuous growth of the word.
  • It also sparked a campaign for its nomination.
  • A popular gaming magazine asked its readers to vote for ‘goblin mode’ over’ metaverse’ as the Oxford Word of the Year”.
  • According to the president of Oxford Languages, individuals are increasingly embracing the goblin that is within them.
  • The second-place finisher was #IStandWith, with more than eight thousand votes, followed by metaverse, which received nearly fourteen thousand votes.

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